Walsall Council has launched a consultation to help inform and improve the delivery of day activities and opportunities for people in the borough.
Meaningful day opportunities and activities are an important part of the support offered to people with eligible needs, such as older people, people with dementia, people with learning or physical disabilities, sensory impairments, autism and mental health needs. The Council wants to make sure that activities and opportunities are delivered in a way that is right for everyone, encourages greater independence, while making the best use of the resources available in local communities.
The proposed model focuses on meaningful opportunities rather than traditional day services and in order to gather comprehensive feedback, the consultation is aimed at current users of day services their families and carers, young people and adults who may need this support in the future, as well as providers of this type of support and other interested stakeholders.
Councillor Rose Martin, Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care said, “It is important that residents get their views heard in this consultation to support future decision-making on how support people is delivered.
“Everyone is encouraged to have their say as at some time in our lives someone we know or indeed we ourselves may need access to support.
“With your feedback we can get this right so that support can be delivered in a way that is fit for the future.”
People that currently use services and their families will be contacted directly to complete a questionnaire to get their valuable views.
Children and young people aged 16+ with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) will also be invited to have their say.
Potential future customers of the services their parents, carers and other stakeholders are also encouraged to respond.
Providers of services will also be holding focus groups to gather feedback from those people they currently support.
More information and ways to have your say are available on the Council’s website.
Support to complete the questionnaire is available here at Walsall Society for the Blind
The deadline for submission of comments is 31 October 2021, with the findings from the consultation to be reported to Cabinet in December 2021.
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